
Portugal: Nazaré 4.8.2024. Bullfight

Nazaré 4.8.2024. Bullfight. No tickets available. Bullranch: Condessa de Sobral for fighting on horseback, and bulls and novillos from Manuel Veiga for fighting on foot. Antonio Ribeiro Telles: lap of the bullring. Antonio Ribeiro Telles son: lap of the bullring. Borja Jiménez: lap of the bullring and two laps. Tomás Bastos: lap of the bullring and two laps of the bullring. The cavaleiros together: lap of the bullring.

Spain: Mundotoro will publish all the bullfights published so far for 2025

  Mundotoro will publish all the bullfights published so far for 2025.  https://www.mundotoro.com/noticia/todos-los-carteles-anunciados-para...