Showing posts with label Albacete. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Albacete. Show all posts


Spain: Albacete 17.9.2022. Bullfight

Albacete 17.9.2022. Bullfight. Bullranch: Victorino Martín. Bullfighters: Rubén Pinar: ovation, one bull's ear and one bull's ear. Sergio Serrano: ovation, two bull's ears and circuit of the bullring. Bullring was more than 3/4 full of spectators. 


Spain: Albacete 16.9.2022. Bullfight

Albacete 16.9.2022. Bullfight. Bullranch: Los Espartales, Jandilla. Rejoneador: Diego Ventura: silence and one bull's ear. Bullfighters: Alejandro Talavante: silence after a warning and whistles. Sergio Serrano: one bull's ear and one bull's ear. Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators. 


Spain: Albacete 15.9.2022. Bullfight

Albacete 15.9.2022. Bullfight. Bullranch: Daniel Ruiz. Bullfighters: El Juli: aplause and one bull's ear. Roca Rey: two bull's ear and ovation. José Fernando Molina: one bull's ear and ovation. Bullfight was sold out.


Spain: Albacete 14.9.2022. Bullfight

Albacete 14.9.2022. Bullfight. Bullranches: Samuel Flores, Isabel López Flores, Garcigrande, Domingo Hernández. Bullfighters: Morante de la Puebla: whistles and division of opinion. Paco Ureña: two bull's ears and ovation after a warning. Ángel Tellez: silence after a warning and one bull's ear. Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.


Spain: Albacete 13.9.2022. Bullfight

Albacete 13.9.2022. Bullfight. Bullranch: Victoriano del Río, Juan Pedro Domecq. Bullfighters: El Fandi: ovation and ovation. José María Manzanares: ovation and two bull's ears. Cayetano: ovation and one bull's ear. Bullring was almost full of spectators. 


Spain: Albacete 12.9.2022. Novillada

Albacete 12.9.2022. Novillada. Bullranch: Montealto. Novilleros: Victor Hernández: one bull's ear and one bull's ear. José Fernando Molina: one bull's ear and two bull's ears. Álvaro Alarcón: ovation and silence. Bullring was 1/3 full of spectators.

Spain: A total of 54160 spectators attended eight bullfights at Alicante Feria

A total of 54160 spectators attended eight bullfights at Alicante Feria, confirming that bullfighting is more alive than ever and that the b...