Showing posts with label Arzacq. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Arzacq. Show all posts


France: The curtain will come down on the French bullfighting season at the Arzacq bullring on 19 February 2022

The curtain will come down on the French bullfighting season at the Arzacq bullring (Aquitaine) on 19 February 2022. The Arzacq bullfighting commission has chosen Sunday 19 February as the date for the novillada without picadors, where the novillda will take place with bulls of Frères Gallón, repeating last year's fight. 

Portugal: Coruche's 31.5.2025 bullfight has been published

Coruche's 31.5.2025 bullfight has been published. Bullranch: -.  Cavaleiros:  Miguel Moura, Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza and António Tel...