Showing posts with label France. Show all posts
Showing posts with label France. Show all posts


France: The dates for the 2025 Arles bullfighting season have been published

The dates for the 2025 Arles bullfighting season have been published.

Feria de Pâques: 18-21 April

Cocarde d'Or: 7 July

Féria du Riz: 12-14 September

Trophée des As final: Sunday 12 October.


France: Saintes Maries de la Mer 4.8.2024. Bullfight

Saintes Maries de la Mer 4.8.2024. Bullfight. Almost two thirds of entry. Bullranch: Pedraza de Yeltes. Bullfighters: CLEMENTE, ear and ear after warning. ANDY YOUNES, ovation after warning and return to the ring after warning. LEO VALADEZ, silence after warning and silence.


France: Bayonne year 2024 bullfights have been published

Bayonne year 2024 bullfights have been published.

Fêtes de Bayonne

12.7: Manuel Escribano and Borja Jiménez (Juan Manuel Criado and Monte la Ermita)

13.7: Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, Lea Vicens and Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza (Romao Tenorio).

Féria del Atlantico

30.8: Alejandro Talavante, Daniel Luque and Alejandro Mora (Garcigrande).

31.8: Lalo de María, Alejandro Chicharro and Pedro Luis (Fernay). Morning novillada. 

31.8: Juan de Castilla, Ángel Téllez, Carlos Olsina, Manuel Diosleguarde, Cristian Parejo and Víctor Hernández (Castillejo de Huebra).

1.9: Novillada without picadors

1.9: Juan Ortega, Andrés Roca Rey, Adrián Salenc "Adriano" (Zacarías Moreno).


France: Arles 30.3.2024. Bullfight

 Arles 30.3.2024. Bullfight. More than three quarters of the audience. Bullranch: Zalduendo. Bullfighters: Sebastián Castella: ear after two warnings and two ears. Daniel Luque: applause and two ears. Juan Ortega: silence and silence.

France: Arles 30.3.2024. Morning novillada

Arles 30.3.2024. Morning novillada. Bullranch: Blohorn, La Golosina, Turquay and Tardieu. Novilleros: Nino Julián: applause and silence. Samuel Navalón: lap of honor.


France: The bullfights of the Féria de Pâques in Arles have been published

The bullfights of the Féria de Pâques in Arles have been published. Bullranch in brackets.

29.03. Corrida Camarguesa.

30.03. Morning novillada. Niño Julián and Samuel Navalón (Tuirquay, La Golosina, Tardieu and Blohorn).

30.03. Sebastián Castella, Daniel Luque and Juan Ortega (Zalduendo).

31.03. Morning novillada. Mano a mano. Manuel Román and Marco Pérez (Núñez del Cuvillo, Santiago Domecq and Gallón).

31.03. Rejoneador: Diego Ventura. Bullfighters: José María Manzanares and Alejandro Talavante (Los Espartales and Jandilla).

1.03. Morning rejones. Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, Lea Vicens and Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza (San Pelayo).


France: Vic-Fezensac 'Toros en Vic' Feria bullfights have been published

France: Vic-Fezensac 'Toros en Vic' Feria bullfights have been published. Bull breeders in brackets.

18.5: Morning: Alvaro Seseña, El Melli and Jesús de la Calzada (Raso de Portillo).

18.5: Fernando Robleño, Esaú Fernández and Gómez del Pilar (Celestino Cuadri).

19.5: Morning: bullfight competition. Sánchez Vara, Octavio Chacón and Juan de Castilla (Saltillo, Palha, Prieto de la Cal, Vega Teixeira, Conde de la Corte and Pages Mailhan).

19.5: Alberto Lamelas, Damián Castaño and Luis Gerpe (Dolores Aguirre).

20.5: Morning: Bolsín de Bougue winner, Bruno Martínez (E.T. Huesca) and Juan Morena (E.T. Arles) (Le Lartet).

20.5: Morenito de Aranda, Román and El Rafi (Los Maños).


France: Béziers Feria 2023 bullfights have been published

Béziers Feria 2023 bullfights have been published.

12.8. Bullfight. Bullfighters: Castella, Roca Rey and Parejo (Who will take the alternativa). Bullranch: Jandilla.

13.8. Bullfight. Rejoneadora: Lea Vicens. Bullfighters: Daniel luque and Juan Leal. Bullranches: Bohórquez and Santiago Domecq.

14.8. Novillada. Novilleros: Adrien Salenc, El Rafi and Olsina. Bullranch: Marge.

15.8. Bullfight. Bullfighters: Manuel Escribano, Alberto Lamelas and Ruben Pinar. Bullranch: Miura.


France: Arles 10.4.2023. Bullfight

Arles 10.4.2023. Bullfight. Half of the arena. Bull breeder. Bullfighters: José Garrido: silence and one bull's ear. Clemente: applause and two bull's ears. Adriano: silence and two bull's ears.

France: Arles 10.4.2023. Morning rejones bullfight

Arles 10.4.2023. Morning rejones bullfight. Bullranch: San Pelayo. Rejoneadors: João Ribeiro Telles: one bull's ear and applause. Lea Vicens: one bull's ear and applause. Guillermo Hermoso De Mendoza: two bull's ears and one bull's ear.


France: Arles 9.4.2023. Bullfight

Arles 9.4.2023. Bullfight. Bullranches: Victoriano del Río, Toros de Cortés. Three quarters of the arena Bullfighters: Daniel Luque: one bull's ear and silence. Emilio de Justo: circuit of the bullring and one bull's ear. Juan Leal: one bull's ear and silence. 

France: Arles 9.4.2023. Morning novillada

Arles 9.4.2023. Morning novillada. Bullranches: Pages-Mailhan, Tardieu Frères, Blohorn, Olivier Fernay, Cuillé and Aimé Gallon et fils. One third of the bullring. Yon Lamothe: one bull's ear and one bull's ear. Lalo De María: applause after a warning and applause. Fabien Castellani: applause and silence. 

France: Aignan 9.4.2023. Bullfight

Aignan 9.4.2023. Bullfight. Bullranch: Pagés-Mailhan. Bullring was almost full. David Galván: applause and one bull's ear after a warning. Dorian Canton: silence after two warnings and one bull's ear. Isaac Fonseca: silence and two bull's ears.


France: Arles 8.4.2023. Bullfight

Arles 8.4.2023. Bullfight. The arena was full of spectators. Bullranch: La Quinta. Sebastián Castella: silence, silence, silence. Roca Rey: one bull's ear, one bull's ear, two ears.

France: Arles 8.4.2023. Morning novillada without picadors

Arles 8.4.2023. Morning novillada without picadors. Bullranch: Colombeau. Novillada without picadors: El Quito: tour of honour. Samuel Navalón: one bull's ear. Martin Morilla: applause and salute. Tomás Gonzáles: applause and salute.


France: The 51st edition of the prestigious Rejón de Oro will be held in Méjanes on 14 July

The 51st edition of the prestigious Rejón de Oro will be held in Méjanes on 14 July. Bullranch: San Pelayo. Rejoneadors: Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, Lea Vicens and Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza. 

Portugal: Coruche's 31.5.2025 bullfight has been published

Coruche's 31.5.2025 bullfight has been published. Bullranch: -.  Cavaleiros:  Miguel Moura, Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza and António Tel...