Showing posts with label Seville. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Seville. Show all posts


Spain: The outline of the Feria de Abril de Sevilla 2025 has been published

The outline of the Feria de Abril de Sevilla 2025 has been published. Date, performers. In brackets the breeder. Emilio de Justo's absence is noteworthy but he has said no to the offered bullfights. 

Seville bullring

20.4: Domingo de Resurrección. Morante de la Puebla, Alejandro Talavante, Daniel Luque (Núñez del Cuvillo)

27.4: Bullfight (Alcurrucén)

28.4: Marco Pérez, Javier Zulueta, mano a mano (Alejandro Talavante)

29.4: Bullfight (Fuente Ymbro)

30.4: Bullfight (La Quinta)

1.5: Morante de la Puebla, Juan OrtegaPablo Aguado (Domingo Hernández)

2.5Sebastián Castella, José María ManzanaresBorja Jiménez (Jandilla)

3.5: Manuel Escribano, Daniel Luque, third bullfight (Victorino Martín)

4.5: Rui Fernandes, Diego VenturaGuillermo Hermoso de Mendoza (Fermín Bohórquez)

5.5: Morante de la Puebla, José María ManzanaresAlejandro Talavante (Matilla)

6.5: Miguel Ángel Perera, Manuel EscribanoBorja Jiménez (Santiago Domecq)

7.5: Miguel Ángel Perera, Juan Ortega, Roca Rey (Victoriano del Río)

8.5: Diego UrdialesSebastián CastellaPablo Aguado (Juan Pedro Domecq)

9.5: Morante de la Puebla, Daniel LuqueTomás Rufo (Garcigrande)

10.5: Cayetano, Roca ReyDavid de Miranda (El Parralejo)

11.5: Esaú Fernández, possibly Rubén Pinar and third bullfighter (Miura)


Spain: La Puebla del Río 18.1.2024. Novillada contest

La Puebla del Río (Seville) 18.1.2024. Novillada contest. Full arena. Bullranches: Espartaco (1st and 6th bis), Fermín Bohórquez, Garcigrande, Hnos. García Jiménez, Macandro and Talavante. Novilleros without picadors: EL GALI, two ears, ALEJANDRO GONZÁLEZ, two ears, RAFAEL DE LA CUEVA, two ears and tail, DIEGO MATEO, two ears, VICENTE SÁNCHEZ BERMEJO, two ears, MANUEL DOMÍNGUEZ, two ears and tail.


Spain: Seville 13.4.2024. Bullfight

Seville 13.4.2024. Bullfight. The arena was sold out. Bullranch: Victorino Martín. Bullfighters: Manuel Escribano: injured and two ears on the sixth after returning from infirmary. Borja Jiménez: applauded on the bull that wounded Escribano, one bull's ear and applause. Roca Rey: applause and ovation.


Spain: The provisional list of bullfights for the Seville Feria de Abril has been published

The provisional list of bullfights for the Seville Feria de Abril has been published. 

31.3: Morante de la Puebla, Sebastián Castella and Roca Rey (Hnos. García Jiménez)

7.4. Fermín Bohórquez bullfight.

9.4: Fernando Adrián, Francisco de Manuel and third (Santiago Domecq)

10.4: Miguel Ángel Perera, Paco Ureña and Borja Jiménez (El Parralejo)

11.4: Morante de la Puebla, José María Manzanares and Pablo Aguado (Juan Pedro Domecq)

13.4: Manuel Escribano, Borja Jiménez and Roca Rey (Victorino Martín)

14.4: Diego Ventura, Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza and third (Capea)

15.4: Morante de la Puebla, Daniel Luque and Juan Ortega (Domingo Hernández)

16.4: Cayetano, Emilio de Justo and Ginés Marín (Garcigrande)

17.4: José María Manzanares, Alejandro Talavante and Tomás Rufo (Jandilla)

18.4: El Cid, Daniel Luque and Emilio de Justo (La Quinta)

19.4: Morante de la Puebla, Sebastián Castella and Tomás Rufo (Alcurrucén)

20.4: Juan Ortega, Roca Rey and Pablo Aguado (Victoriano del Río)

21.4: El Fandi, Manuel Escribano and Esaú Fernández (Miura)


Spain: Seville 21.4.2023. Bullfight

Seville 21.4.2023. Bullfight. Bullranch Núñez del Cuvillo. Bullfighters: Diego Urdiales: silence and silence. Jose Maria Manzanares: silence and silence after warning. Roca Rey: ear and two ears. Bullfight was sold out.


Spain: Seville 20.4.2023. Bullfight

Seville 20.4.2023. Bullfight. The bullring was about half full. El Parralejo. The fifth bull was rewarded with a lap of honour. Bullfighters: Miguel Ángel Perera: silence and silence. Daniel Luque: ovation and two bull's ears. Francisco de Manuel: ovation and silence.


Spain: Seville 9.4.2023. Bullfight

Seville 9.4.2023. Bullfight. Bullranch: Núñez del Cuvillo. Bullfight was sold out. Bullfighters: Morante De La Puebla: silence and silence. Julián López 'El Juli': silence and two ears. Roca Rey: silence and aplause.


Spain: Seville's Feria de Abril and Feria de San Miguel bullfights have been published

Seville's Feria de Abril and Feria de San Miguel bullfights have been published. 

09/04: Domingo de Resurrección. Morante de la Puebla, Julián López ‘El Juli’, Roca Rey (Núñez del Cuvillo)

6/04: Borja Jiménez, Lama de Góngora, Rafael Serna, Ángel Jiménez, Ruiz Muñoz, Calerito (Fermín Bohórquez)

19/04: José GarridoÁlvaro Lorenzo, Alfonso Cadaval (Santiago Domecq)

20/04: Miguel Ángel PereraDaniel Luque, Francisco de Manuel (El Parralejo)

21/04: Diego Urdiales, José María Manzanares, Roca Rey (Núñez del Cuvillo)

22/04El Cid, Manuel EscribanoEmilio de Justo (Victorino Martín)

23/04Rui Fernandes, Diego Ventura, Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza (San Pelayo-Capea)

24/04: Morante de la Puebla, Alejandro Talavante, Emilio de Justo (Hnos. García Jiménez)

25/04: Julián López ‘El Juli’Alejandro Talavante, Tomás Rufo (Garcigrande)

26/04: Morante de la Puebla, Diego Urdiales, Juan Ortega (Domingo Hernández)

27/04: José María ManzanaresPablo Aguado, Tomás Rufo (Jandilla-Vegahermosa)

28/04: Sebastián Castella, Juan Ortega, Roca Rey (Victoriano del Río-T. Cortés )

29/04: Antonio Ribeiro Telles, Morante de la PueblaCayetano, Ginés Marín (Passanha-El Torero)

30/04: Julián López ‘El Juli’Daniel Luque, Pablo Aguado (La Quinta)

01/05: Antonio Ferrera, David Fandila ‘El Fandi’, Manuel Escribano (Miura)


29/09: Morante de la Puebla, José María Manzanares, Pablo Aguado (Hnos. García Jiménez)

30/09: Sebastián Castella, Alejandro Talavante, Roca Rey (Victoriano del Río-T. Cortés)

01/10: Morante de la Puebla, Julián López ‘El Juli’, Daniel Luque (Garcigrande)


Spain: Seville 25.9.2022. Bullfight

Seville 25.9.2022. Bullfight. Bullranch: Juan Pedro Domecq. Bullfighters: Morante de la Puebla: silence and silence. Ginés Marín: one bull's ear and silence. Pablo Aguado: one bull's ear and silence. Bullring was full of spectators.


Spain: Seville 24.9.2022. Bullfight

Seville 24.9.2022. Bullfight. Bullranch: Victoriano del Río. Bullfighters: José María Manzanares: ovation after two warnings and silence after a warning. Roca Rey: silence and ovation. Juan Pedro García 'Calerito': one bull's ear and silence after a warning. Bullfight was sold out. 


Spain: Seville 23.9.2022. Bullfight

Seville 23.9.2022. Bullfight. Bullranch: Hnos. García Jiménez, Olga Jiménez. Bullfighters: Morante de la Puebla: ovation and one bull's ear after a warning. Juan Ortega: silence and silence. Tomás Rufo: ovation and silence. Bullring was 3/4 full of spectators.

Portugal: Coruche's 31.5.2025 bullfight has been published

Coruche's 31.5.2025 bullfight has been published. Bullranch: -.  Cavaleiros:  Miguel Moura, Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza and António Tel...