Showing posts with label Navalcarnero. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Navalcarnero. Show all posts


Spain: Navalcarnero 25.3.2023. Bullfight

Navalcarnero 25.3.2023. Bullfight. Bullfight for the food bank. Bullranch: Los Espartales for rejones and Castillejo de Huebra. Rejonador: Leonardo Hernández: applause and ear. Bullfighter: Manuel Díaz "El Cordobés", two ears and an ear. Gonzalo Caballero: two ears and silence.

Spain: Castellón 26.3. 2025. Novillada without picadors

Castellón 26.3.2025. Novillada without picadors. Bullranch: Hnas. Angoso Clavijo. The 2nd and 3rd awarded with a lap of the bullring. Novill...