Showing posts with label Madrid. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Madrid. Show all posts


Spain: Valdemorillo 9.2.2025. Bullfight

Valdemorillo 9.2.2025. Bullfight. Madrid. Sold out. Bullranches: José Vázquez (1st and 2nd), El Parralejo (3rd and 6th), Garcigrande (4th, 4th bis and 5th). Bullfighters: Emilio de Justo: silence, ovation after warning and two ears. Juan Ortega: ovation, silence and silence.

Sold out bullring of Valdemorillo on 9.2.2025


Spain: Madrid Feria de Otoño bullfights have been offcially published

Madrid Feria de Otoño bullfights have been offcially published. Bullranch in brackets.

3.10: Valentín Hoyos, Nek Romero and Alejandro Chicharro (Fuente Ymbro).
4.10: José María Manzanares, Román and Tomás Rufo (Puerto de San Lorenzo).
5.10: Fernando Adrián and Borja Jiménez, mano a mano (Victoriano del Río).
6.10: Paco Ureña, Roca Rey and Víctor Hernández (Fuente Ymbro).
12.10: Miguel Ángel Perera and Emilio de Justo, mano a mano (Victorino Martín).


These are all the dates that Morante had signed up for including Marbella and Madrid

These are all the dates that Morante had signed up for. The reinauguration of the Marbella bullring and the Corrida de la Beneficencia in Madrid are among the dates affected by the decision of Morante de la Puebla.


Spain: Madrid Las Ventas 6.6.2024. Bullfight

 Madrid Las Ventas 6.6.2024. Bullfight. The arena was almost full. Bullranch: Adolfo Martín. Bullfighters: ANTONIO FERRERA, silence and silence after warning. MANUEL ESCRIBANO, applause and round of honour.  JOSÉ GARRIDO, silence and applause. 

Tres faenas de entrega bajo el diluvio en Madrid |


Spain: Madrid Las Ventas 14.5.2024. Novillada

Madrid Las Ventas 14.5.2024. Novillada. 18 112 spectators. Bullranch: Montealto. Novilleros: Diego Bastos: silence and silence. Nek Romero: silence after a warning and ovation. Samuel Navalón: circuit and silence. 


Spain: Madrid Las Ventas 2.5.2024. Goyesca bullfight

Madrid Las Ventas 2.5.2024. Goyesca bullfight. 18.329 spectators. Bullranch: El Montecillo. Bullfighters: Fernando Robleño: applause and silence after a warning. Javier Cortés: silence after a warning and applause. Francisco José Espada: applause and applause.


Spain: Bullfights of Madrid San Isidro Feria have been published

2.5: Goyesca. Fernando Robleño, Francisco José Espada, Javier Cortés.

10.5: Morante de la Puebla, Diego Urdiales, García Pulido -confirmation of alternativa- (Alcurrucén).

11.5: El Fandi, Román , Leo Valadez (Fuente Ymbro).

12.5: Calita, Francisco de Manuel, Álvaro Alarcón (Baltasar Ibán).

14.5: Novillada.

15.5: Miguel Ángel Perera, Paco Ureña, Alejandro Fermín -confirmation of alternativa- (El Parralejo).

16.5: Sebastián Castella, José María Manzanares, Tomás Rufo (Victoriano del Río).

17.5: Miguel Ángel Perera, Emilio de Justo, Ginés Marín (La Quinta).

18.5: Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, Lea Vicens, Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza (Capea).

19.5: Rafael Rubio "Rafaelillo", Octavio Chacón, Jesús Enrique Colombo (Miura).

21.5: Novillada.

22.5: David Galván, Álvaro Lorenzo, Ángel Téllez (El Torero).

23.5: Alejandro Talavante, Juan Ortega, Tomás Rufo (El Puerto de San Lorenzo).

24.5: Cayetano, Roca Rey, Jorge Martínez -confirmation of alternativa- (Conde de Mayalde).

25.5: Sebastián Castella, Daniel Luque, Christian Parejo -confirmation of alternativa- (La Ventana del Puerto).

26.5: Diego Ventura, Cayetano, Ginés Marín (Capea ja Montalvo).

28.5: Novillada.

29.5: Morante de la Puebla, Alejandro Talavante, Pablo Aguado (Juan Pedro Domecq).

30.5: José María Manzanares, Daniel Luque, Víctor Hernández -confirmation of alternativa- (Alcurrucén).

31.5: Uceda Leal, Alejandro Talavante, Borja Jiménez (Santiago Domecq).

1.6: Diego Ventura and two others. 

31.5: Uceda Leal, Alejandro Talavante, Borja Jiménez (Santiago Domecq).

1.6: Diego Ventura and two others (Los Espartales).

2.6: Juan Leal, Francisco José Espada, Isaac Fonseca (Pedraza de Yeltes).

4.6: Fernando Robleño, Gómez del Pilar, Damián Castaño (José Escolar).

5.6: Corrida de la Prensa. Paco Ureña, Borja Jiménez, mano a mano (Victorino Martín).

6.6: Antonio Ferrera, Manuel Escribano, José Garrido (Adolfo Martín).

7.6: Emilio de Justo, Roca Rey, Borja Jiménez (Victoriano del Río).

8.6: Diego Urdiales, Juan Ortega, Pablo Aguado (Román Sorando).

9.6: Corrida de la Beneficencia. Morante de la Puebla, Sebastián Castella and other (Garcigrande).

16.6: Corrida In Memoriam. José María Manzanares, Alejandro Talavante, Paco Ureña (Jandilla).


Spain: Madrid Las Ventas 9.4.2023. Bullfight

Madrid Las Ventas 9.4.2023. Bullfight. Bullranches: Las Ramblas, El Tajo, Escribano Martín. One third of the audience. Bullfighters: Curro Díaz: applause and very strong applause after warning. Borja Jiménez (who confirmed alternative): applause and applause. José Garrido: silence after the warnings and silence.


Spain: Madrid 2.4.2023. Bullfight

Madrid Las Ventas 2.4.2023. Bullfight. More than a third of the bullring (8 212 spectators according to company data). Bullfighter: Pallarés (2nd and 3rd) and Cuadri. Esaú Fernández: silence and silence. Adrían de Torres: applause after two warnings and an ear. Gómez Del Pilar: silence after a warning and silence after a warning.


Spain: Madrid 26.3.2023. Novillada

Madrid 26.3.2023. Novillada. More than half of the entrance. Bullranch: Fuente Ymbro. Novilleros: Yon Lamothe: silence and silence. Álvaro Alarcón: applause after a warning. Mario Navas: lap of honour and applause.


Spain: Madrid. Palacio Vistalegre Bullring 26.2.2023. Novillada without picadors

Madrid. Palacio Vistalegre Bullring 26.2.2023. Novillada without picadors. Adrian Centenera (E.T. Fundación El Juli - Arganda del Rey): one bull's ear after two warnings. Pepe Luís Cirugeda: (E.T. Navas del Rey): ovation after a warning. Sergio Sánchez (E.T. Badajoz): one bull's ear after a warning. Alejandro Chicharro (E.T. Colmenar Viejo): one bull's ear. Samuel Navalón: (E.T. Albacete): two bull's ears. López Ortega (E.T. CITAR): ovation.


Spain: Madrid's Las Ventas bullring: season tickets for the bullfighting season go on sale on the 16th of January

Madrid's Las Ventas bullring: season tickets for the bullfighting season go on sale on the 16th of January, of which 2 800 are free for young people and pensioners. Season tickets are valid for 60 annual fights at the Las Ventas Arena. The last day to renew is 25 January. 


Spain: The 'In Memoriam' bullfight at the Las Ventas bullring in Madrid has been published

The 'In Memoriam' bullfight of the Las Ventas bullring in Madrid has been published. The bullfight will take place on 18.6.2023. Bullranch: Victoriano del Río. Bullfighters: Julián López 'El Juli', Alejandro Talavante, Roca Rey.

Spain: The dates of the bullfights at the Las Ventas bullring in Madrid have been published

All the dates of the bullfights (bullfights, novilladas and rejones bullfights) at the Las Ventas Bullring in Madrid have been published. 


Spain: A total of 815886 tickets were sold for bullfights in Las Ventas bullring in Madrid on the 2022 bullfighting season

A total of 815886 tickets were sold for bullfights in Las Ventas bullring in Madrid on the 2022 bullfighting season. A total of 22 sold-out bullfights took place in Madrid. In 2019 there were 19 sold-out bullfights. 


Spain: Madrid 12.10.2022. Bullfight

Madrid 12.10.2022. Bullfight. Bullranch: Victoriano del Río. Bullfighters: Alejandro Talavante: silence and whistles after three warnings. Roca Rey: two bull's ears after a warning and silence. Francisco de Manuel: one bull's ear and two bull's ears. Bullfight was sold out. Roca Rey and Francisco de Manuel were carried out of the bullring on spectators shoulders after the bullfight. 


Spain: Madrid 11.10.2022. Novillada

Madrid 11.10.2022. Novillada. Bullranch: Lorenzo, Rodríguez Espioja. Novilleros: Pepe Luís Cirugeda: circuit of the bullring after a warning and one bull's ear.. Alejandro Chicharro: ovation after a warning and aplause after a warning. Joel Ramirez: ovation after a warning and ovation. 


Spain: Madrid 9.10.2022. Bullfight

Madrid 9.10.2022. Bullfight. Bullranches: Fuente Ymbro, Puerto de San Lorenzo. Bullfighters: Miguel Ángel Perera: ovation after a warning and silence. Juan Leal: ovation after a warning and silence. Álvaro Lorenzo: ovation and silence.


Spain: Madrid 8.10.2022. Bullfight

Madrid 8.10.2022. Bullfight. Bullranch: Puerto de San Lorenzo, José Vázquez. Bullfighters: Uceda Leal: circuit of the bullring and ovation. Morante de la Puebla: whistles and silence. Ángel Tellez: aplause after two warnings and silence. Bullring was almost full of spectators. 

Portugal: Coruche's 31.5.2025 bullfight has been published

Coruche's 31.5.2025 bullfight has been published. Bullranch: -.  Cavaleiros:  Miguel Moura, Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza and António Tel...