Spain: the BOE has published this Tuesday an amendment to the law regulating bullfighting, allowing minors to attend bullrings as spectators in Mallorca, as long as they are accompanied by an adult
Spain: Madrid Feria de Otoño bullfights have been offcially published
Spain: The bullfights of the Feria de la Peregrina in Pontevedra have been published
The bullfights of the Feria de la Peregrina in Pontevedra have been published.
10.8. Bullfight. Bullranch: El Puerto de San Lorenzo. Bullfighters: Alejandro Talavante, Juan Ortega and Roca Rey.
11.8. Bullfight. Bullranch: Alcurrucén. Bullfighters: Morante de la Puebla, Daniel Luque and Tomás Rufo.
France: Saintes Maries de la Mer 4.8.2024. Bullfight
Spain: 6.5 million spectators attended Spanish bullfighting events in 2023
Spain: The bullfights of Murcia Feria have been published
The bullfights of Murcia Feria have been published.
15.9: Cayetano, Daniel Luque and Jorge Martínez (Luis Algarra).
16.9: Enrique Ponce and Pepín Liria, corrida goyesca (Juan Pedro Domecq, Garcigrande and García Jiménez).
17.9: Talavante, Paco Ureña and Roca Rey (Victoriano del Río).
20.9: Two one-day wins in the Murcia region and Marco Perez (Fuente Ymbro).
21.9: Morante de la Puebla, Manzanares and Paco Ureña (Olga Jiménez).
22.9: Andy Cartagena and Diego Ventura (Los Espartales).
Spain: The bullfights of the Feria de Santiago in Santander have been published
The bullfights of the Feria de Santiago in Santander have been published. Bull breeder in brackets.
21.7. Rejones. Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, Andy Cartagena and Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza (Benítez Cubero and Pallarés).
22.7. Sebastián Castella, Emilio de Justo and Ginés Marín (Antonio Bañuelos).
23.7. Enrique Ponce, Morante de la Puebla and Fernando Adrián (Domingo Hernández).
24.7. José María Manzanares, Talavante and Tomás Rufo (El Pilar).
25.7. Cayetano, Juan Ortega and Roca Rey (El Puerto de San Lorenzo and La Ventana del Puerto).
26.7. mano a mano. Miguel Ángel Perera and Daniel Luque (La Quinta).
27.7. Recortes competition.
France: Bayonne year 2024 bullfights have been published
Bayonne year 2024 bullfights have been published.
Fêtes de Bayonne
12.7: Manuel Escribano and Borja Jiménez (Juan Manuel Criado and Monte la Ermita)
13.7: Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, Lea Vicens and Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza (Romao Tenorio).
Féria del Atlantico
30.8: Alejandro Talavante, Daniel Luque and Alejandro Mora (Garcigrande).
31.8: Lalo de María, Alejandro Chicharro and Pedro Luis (Fernay). Morning novillada.
31.8: Juan de Castilla, Ángel Téllez, Carlos Olsina, Manuel Diosleguarde, Cristian Parejo and Víctor Hernández (Castillejo de Huebra).
1.9: Novillada without picadors.
1.9: Juan Ortega, Andrés Roca Rey, Adrián Salenc "Adriano" (Zacarías Moreno).
France: The combinations for the Feria de Pentecostés 2024
16.5. Corrida Camarguesa.
17.5. Enrique Ponce, Alejandro Talavante and David Galván, who confirms his alternative Bullranch: Juan Pedro Domecq.
18.5. Sebastián Castella, Roca Rey and El Rafi Bullranch: Garcigrande.
19.5. Novillada matinal. Lalo de María, Manuel Román and Samuel Navalón. Bullranch: Piedras Rojas.
France: The bullfights of the Féria de Pâques in Arles have been published
The bullfights of the Féria de Pâques in Arles have been published. Bullranch in brackets.
29.03. Corrida Camarguesa.
30.03. Morning novillada. Niño Julián and Samuel Navalón (Tuirquay, La Golosina, Tardieu and Blohorn).
30.03. Sebastián Castella, Daniel Luque and Juan Ortega (Zalduendo).
31.03. Morning novillada. Mano a mano. Manuel Román and Marco Pérez (Núñez del Cuvillo, Santiago Domecq and Gallón).
31.03. Rejoneador: Diego Ventura. Bullfighters: José María Manzanares and Alejandro Talavante (Los Espartales and Jandilla).
1.03. Morning rejones. Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, Lea Vicens and Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza (San Pelayo).
Spain: The provisional list of bullfights for the Seville Feria de Abril has been published
The provisional list of bullfights for the Seville Feria de Abril has been published.
31.3: Morante de la Puebla, Sebastián Castella and Roca Rey (Hnos. García Jiménez)
7.4. Fermín Bohórquez bullfight.
9.4: Fernando Adrián, Francisco de Manuel and third (Santiago Domecq)
10.4: Miguel Ángel Perera, Paco Ureña and Borja Jiménez (El Parralejo)
11.4: Morante de la Puebla, José María Manzanares and Pablo Aguado (Juan Pedro Domecq)
13.4: Manuel Escribano, Borja Jiménez and Roca Rey (Victorino Martín)
14.4: Diego Ventura, Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza and third (Capea)
15.4: Morante de la Puebla, Daniel Luque and Juan Ortega (Domingo Hernández)
16.4: Cayetano, Emilio de Justo and Ginés Marín (Garcigrande)
17.4: José María Manzanares, Alejandro Talavante and Tomás Rufo (Jandilla)
18.4: El Cid, Daniel Luque and Emilio de Justo (La Quinta)
19.4: Morante de la Puebla, Sebastián Castella and Tomás Rufo (Alcurrucén)
20.4: Juan Ortega, Roca Rey and Pablo Aguado (Victoriano del Río)
21.4: El Fandi, Manuel Escribano and Esaú Fernández (Miura)
France: Vic-Fezensac 'Toros en Vic' Feria bullfights have been published
Spain: Bullfights of Madrid San Isidro Feria have been published
Spain: Castellón Feria Bullfights have been published
Castellón Feria Bullfights have been published.
3.3: Paco Ramos ja Borja Jiménez, hand in hand (Victorino Martín).
4.3: Andy Cartagena, Diego Ventura and Lea Vicens (Fermín Bohórquez).
5.3: Fran Fernando, Javier Aparicio, Pablo Vedrí, Abel Rodríguez, Bruno Gimeno and Jorge Hurtado (Sepúlveda).
6.3: Arturo Cartagena, Daniel Artazos, Bruno Martínez, José Almagro, Nicolás Cortijo, Olga Casado and Ian Bermejo (Sisters Angoso Clavijo).6.3: El Fandi, Ginés Marín and Fernando Adrián (Hnos. García Jiménez).
8.3. José María Manzanares, Roca Rey and Tomás Rufo (Juan Pedro Domecq).
9.3. Morante de la Puebla, Juan Ortega and Pablo Aguado (Domingo Hernández).
10.3. Sebastián Castella, José María Manzanares and Alejandro Talavante (El Puerto de San Lorenzo).
Spain: Seville outlines its bullranch line-up for 2024
France: The bullfights of the Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer Feria have been published
Spain: Feria of Jerez 2023 bullfights have been published
Spain: Feria of Algeciras 2023 bullfights have been published
Spain: The bullfights for the 2023 San Jorge Feria in Zaragoza have been published
The bullfights for the 2023 San Jorge Feria in Zaragoza have been published. Saturday 22 April: Morenito de Aranda, Javier Cortés and Román (Couto de Fornilhos). Sunday 23 April: El Fandi, Miguel Ángel Perera and Daniel Luque (Valdefresno). Monday 24 April: El Melli, Tristán Barroso and Cristiano Torres (José Cruz).
Spain: Feria of Córdoba bullfights have been published
Portugal: Coruche's 31.5.2025 bullfight has been published
Coruche's 31.5.2025 bullfight has been published. Bullranch: -. Cavaleiros: Miguel Moura, Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza and António Tel...

Portugal: the bullfights for the 2024 bullfighting season in Santarém have been published. Bullranch in brackets. 16.3. Antonio Ribeiro Tell...
The dates for the 2025 Arles bullfighting season have been published. Feria de Pâques: 18-21 April Cocarde d'Or: 7 July Féria du Riz: 12...
Vic-Fezensac 20.5.2024. Bullfight. Three quarters of the audience. Bull breeder: Los Maños, fourth was awarded with the lap of honour. MOREN...