Showing posts with label Beja. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beja. Show all posts


Portugal: Beja 29.4.2023. Bullfight

Beja 29.4.2023. Bullfight. Three quarters of the audience. Bullranch: Sesmarias Velhas do Guadiana. Cavaleiros: Luis Rouxinol: circuit of the bullring. Tito Semedo: circuit of the bullring. Moura Caetano: circuit of the bullring. Andrés Romero: circuit of the bullring. Miguel Moura: circuit of the bullring. Salgueiro da Costa, circuit of the bullring.

Spain: A total of 54160 spectators attended eight bullfights at Alicante Feria

A total of 54160 spectators attended eight bullfights at Alicante Feria, confirming that bullfighting is more alive than ever and that the b...