Showing posts with label Spain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spain. Show all posts


Spain: The outline of the Feria de Abril de Sevilla 2025 has been published

The outline of the Feria de Abril de Sevilla 2025 has been published. Date, performers. In brackets the breeder. Emilio de Justo's absence is noteworthy but he has said no to the offered bullfights. 

Seville bullring

20.4: Domingo de Resurrección. Morante de la Puebla, Alejandro Talavante, Daniel Luque (Núñez del Cuvillo)

27.4: Bullfight (Alcurrucén)

28.4: Marco Pérez, Javier Zulueta, mano a mano (Alejandro Talavante)

29.4: Bullfight (Fuente Ymbro)

30.4: Bullfight (La Quinta)

1.5: Morante de la Puebla, Juan OrtegaPablo Aguado (Domingo Hernández)

2.5Sebastián Castella, José María ManzanaresBorja Jiménez (Jandilla)

3.5: Manuel Escribano, Daniel Luque, third bullfight (Victorino Martín)

4.5: Rui Fernandes, Diego VenturaGuillermo Hermoso de Mendoza (Fermín Bohórquez)

5.5: Morante de la Puebla, José María ManzanaresAlejandro Talavante (Matilla)

6.5: Miguel Ángel Perera, Manuel EscribanoBorja Jiménez (Santiago Domecq)

7.5: Miguel Ángel Perera, Juan Ortega, Roca Rey (Victoriano del Río)

8.5: Diego UrdialesSebastián CastellaPablo Aguado (Juan Pedro Domecq)

9.5: Morante de la Puebla, Daniel LuqueTomás Rufo (Garcigrande)

10.5: Cayetano, Roca ReyDavid de Miranda (El Parralejo)

11.5: Esaú Fernández, possibly Rubén Pinar and third bullfighter (Miura)


Spain: Valdemorillo 9.2.2025. Bullfight

Valdemorillo 9.2.2025. Bullfight. Madrid. Sold out. Bullranches: José Vázquez (1st and 2nd), El Parralejo (3rd and 6th), Garcigrande (4th, 4th bis and 5th). Bullfighters: Emilio de Justo: silence, ovation after warning and two ears. Juan Ortega: ovation, silence and silence.

Sold out bullring of Valdemorillo on 9.2.2025


Spain: La Puebla del Río 18.1.2024. Novillada contest

La Puebla del Río (Seville) 18.1.2024. Novillada contest. Full arena. Bullranches: Espartaco (1st and 6th bis), Fermín Bohórquez, Garcigrande, Hnos. García Jiménez, Macandro and Talavante. Novilleros without picadors: EL GALI, two ears, ALEJANDRO GONZÁLEZ, two ears, RAFAEL DE LA CUEVA, two ears and tail, DIEGO MATEO, two ears, VICENTE SÁNCHEZ BERMEJO, two ears, MANUEL DOMÍNGUEZ, two ears and tail.


Spain: Ciudad Rodrigo's Carnaval del Toro program has been published

Ciudad Rodrigo's Carnaval del Toro program has been published. 

1.3. Bullfight festival with picadors. Enrique Ponce, Alejandro Talavante, Juan Ortega and novillera Raquel Martín (El Freixo).
2.3. Bullfight festival without picadors with the participation of the finalists of the Bolsín Taurino Mirobrigense and the rejoneador Víctor Herrero (Castillejo de Huebra).
3.3. Novillada with picadors. Diego Bastos, Cid de María, Javier Zulueta and the pupil of the Salamanca Bullfight School Jesús Yglesias, who will make his debut with picadors (Montalvo).
4.3. Bullfight festival with picadors. Miguel Ángel Perera, Daniel Luque, Manuel Diosleguarde and the winner of the Bolsín Taurino Mirobrigense (Talavante).

Bullranch in brackets.


Spain: the BOE has published this Tuesday an amendment to the law regulating bullfighting, allowing minors to attend bullrings as spectators in Mallorca, as long as they are accompanied by an adult

The BOE (Official State Gazette) has published this Tuesday an amendment to the law regulating bullfighting, which allows minors to participate in bullfights in Mallorca as long as they are accompanied by an adult.

The amendment to the law was passed last 29 October by the PP and Vox votes in Parliament.

It is worth recalling that the original Vox proposal was to abolish the ban on minors, although a "popular" amendment was eventually adopted, providing for the presence of an adult guardian.


Spain: The bullfights of the Feria del Milagro in Illescas have been published

The bullfights of the Feria del Milagro in Illescas have been published.

8.3: Bullfighters: José María Manzanares, Alejandro Talavante, Fernando Adrián and Juan Ortega. Bull breeders: Luis Algarra, Daniel Ruiz.

9.3: Rejoneadors: Diego Ventura, Andy Cartagena and Leonardo Hernández. Bull breeder: Capea.


Spain: San Agustin de Guadalix Feria del Aficionado program has been published

26.4. Morning novillada. Bullranch: Barcial and Alicia Chicho. Novilleros: Jesús de la Calzada and Miguel Andrades.

26.4. Bullfight. Bullranch: Prieto de la Cal and Cuadri. Bullfighters: Luis Gerpe, Juan de Castilla and Cristobal Reyes.

27.4. Morning bullfight. Bullranch: Dolores Aguirre. Bullfighter: Damián Castaño.


Spain: Zaragoza 8.10.2024. Novillada

 Zaragoza 8.10.2024. Novillada. Bull breeder: Talavante (2nd, 4th and 6th) and Hnos. Azcona (1st, 3rd and 5th). Novillero: ALEJANDRO CHICHARRO, applause and ear. CRISTIANO TORRES, lap of honour and lap of honour. JAVIER ZULUETA, lap of honour and one bull's ear.


Spain: Palencia 2.9.2024. Bullfight

 Palencia 2.9.2024. Bullfight. Almost a full arena. Bull breeder: Núñez del Cuvillo. Bullfighters: JOSE MARIA MANZANARES, ear and ear. ROCA REY, applause and two ears. GINÉS MARÍN, applause and two ears.


Spain: Madrid Feria de Otoño bullfights have been offcially published

Madrid Feria de Otoño bullfights have been offcially published. Bullranch in brackets.

3.10: Valentín Hoyos, Nek Romero and Alejandro Chicharro (Fuente Ymbro).
4.10: José María Manzanares, Román and Tomás Rufo (Puerto de San Lorenzo).
5.10: Fernando Adrián and Borja Jiménez, mano a mano (Victoriano del Río).
6.10: Paco Ureña, Roca Rey and Víctor Hernández (Fuente Ymbro).
12.10: Miguel Ángel Perera and Emilio de Justo, mano a mano (Victorino Martín).


Spain: The bullfights of the Feria de la Peregrina in Pontevedra have been published

The bullfights of the Feria de la Peregrina in Pontevedra have been published. 

10.8. Bullfight. Bullranch: El Puerto de San Lorenzo. Bullfighters: Alejandro Talavante, Juan Ortega and Roca Rey.

11.8. Bullfight. Bullranch: Alcurrucén. Bullfighters: Morante de la Puebla, Daniel Luque and Tomás Rufo.


Spain: Íscar 5.8.2024. Novillada

Íscar 5.8.2024. Novillada. Bullranch: Conde de Murça. Novilleros: Bruno Aloi, lap of the bullring and ear. Marco Pérez, two ears and lap of the ring after request. Cristian González, who replaced Andrés García, silence and silence after warning.


These are all the dates that Morante had signed up for including Marbella and Madrid

These are all the dates that Morante had signed up for. The reinauguration of the Marbella bullring and the Corrida de la Beneficencia in Madrid are among the dates affected by the decision of Morante de la Puebla.

Morante de la Puebla interrupts the season indefinitely but ‘not definitively’

Morante de la Puebla interrupts the season indefinitely but ‘not definitively’.
The maestro de la Puebla, who was to fight in the Beneficencia (Madrid) on Sunday, has recently been in a state of deep sadness, with the resurgence of his illness and an acute physical decline.


Spain: 6.5 million spectators attended Spanish bullfighting events in 2023

ANOET, the national association of bullfighting event organisers, has carried out a study on the number of visitors to bullfighting events in bullrings in 2023. The study provides convincing and optimistic data on the good health of bullfighting and its consolidation in Spanish society.

At the end of the 2023 season, almost 6 500 000 spectators attended bullfighting events, a significant increase compared to 2022. Thanks to these figures, we have reached numbers not seen since 2012.

Another aspect to consider is that bullfighting events have taken place in more than 900 bullfighting arenas across different arena categories, providing a clear panorama of the presence of bullfighting across the geographical area of our country.

Now that the pandemic that put the brakes on bullfighting has been overcome, attendance and interest in bullfighting has risen to levels not seen since the decade of the 2000s.

Spain: Madrid Las Ventas 6.6.2024. Bullfight

 Madrid Las Ventas 6.6.2024. Bullfight. The arena was almost full. Bullranch: Adolfo Martín. Bullfighters: ANTONIO FERRERA, silence and silence after warning. MANUEL ESCRIBANO, applause and round of honour.  JOSÉ GARRIDO, silence and applause. 

Tres faenas de entrega bajo el diluvio en Madrid |


Spain: Madrid Las Ventas 14.5.2024. Novillada

Madrid Las Ventas 14.5.2024. Novillada. 18 112 spectators. Bullranch: Montealto. Novilleros: Diego Bastos: silence and silence. Nek Romero: silence after a warning and ovation. Samuel Navalón: circuit and silence. 


Spain: The bullfights of Murcia Feria have been published

The bullfights of Murcia Feria have been published. 

15.9: Cayetano, Daniel Luque and Jorge Martínez (Luis Algarra).

16.9: Enrique Ponce and Pepín Liria, corrida goyesca (Juan Pedro Domecq, Garcigrande and García Jiménez).

17.9: Talavante, Paco Ureña and Roca Rey (Victoriano del Río).

20.9: Two one-day wins in the Murcia region and Marco Perez (Fuente Ymbro).

21.9: Morante de la Puebla, Manzanares and Paco Ureña (Olga Jiménez).

22.9: Andy Cartagena and Diego Ventura (Los Espartales).

Doblete de Ureña y mano a mano de Ponce y Pepín Liria: puntos álgidos de la Feria de Murcia 2024 |

Portugal: Coruche's 31.5.2025 bullfight has been published

Coruche's 31.5.2025 bullfight has been published. Bullranch: -.  Cavaleiros:  Miguel Moura, Guillermo Hermoso de Mendoza and António Tel...