Showing posts with label Valdemorillo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Valdemorillo. Show all posts


Spain: Valdemorillo 9.2.2025. Bullfight

Valdemorillo 9.2.2025. Bullfight. Madrid. Sold out. Bullranches: José Vázquez (1st and 2nd), El Parralejo (3rd and 6th), Garcigrande (4th, 4th bis and 5th). Bullfighters: Emilio de Justo: silence, ovation after warning and two ears. Juan Ortega: ovation, silence and silence.

Sold out bullring of Valdemorillo on 9.2.2025


Spain: The bullfights of the Valdemorillo Feria have been published

The bullfights of the Valdemorillo Feria have been published.  

2.4: Practical lesson. Álvaro Serrano (ET de Navas del Rey), Borja Navarro (Valencia school), Javier Cuartero (Alicante school), Rafael de la Cueva ("Yiyo" school) and Samuel Castrejón ("Yiyo" school) (Zacarías Moreno).

9.2. Ismael Martín, Nek Romero and Samuel Navalón (Novillos: La Cercada).

10.2. Alejandro Talavante, Juan Ortega and Ginés Marín (Núñez del Cuvillo).

11.2. Miguel Ángel Perera, Paco Ureña and Guillermo García Pulido -alternative- (Alcurrucén).

Bullranch in brackets.

Spain: Castellón 26.3. 2025. Novillada without picadors

Castellón 26.3.2025. Novillada without picadors. Bullranch: Hnas. Angoso Clavijo. The 2nd and 3rd awarded with a lap of the bullring. Novill...