
Spain: Bullfights of the Huelva Feria de Colombinas have been published. Bull breeder in brackets

Bullfights of the Huelva Feria de Colombinas have been published. Bull breeder in brackets.

30.7. Practical class.
31.7. Novillada. Javier Zulueta, Enrique Toro and Carlos Tirado (José Luis Pereda).
1.8. Bullfight. David de Miranda. (Hnos. Domínguez Camacho, Doña María Loreto Charro, Villamarta, Victorino Martín, José Luis Pereda y Santiago Domecq).
2.8. Bullfight. Morante de la Puebla, Miguel Ángel Perera and Daniel Luque (Zalduendo).
3.8. Bullfight. Alejandro Talavante, Juan Ortega and Roca Rey (Juan Pedro Domecq). 
4.8. Rejones. Diego Ventura and Andrés Romero, mano a mano (Fermín Bohórquez).

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The French Senate has rejected this afternoon by a large majority the attack directed against bullfights by the RDPI group, just as the Law ...