
Spain: Madrid Las Ventas 1.5.2024. Novillada

Madrid  Las Ventas 1.5.2024. Novillada. 14,627 viewers. Bullranches: Aurelio Hernando, Montealto, Hnos. Sandoval, Concha y Sierra, Cerro Longo and Ángel Luis Peña. Novilleros:  Jesús Moreno: injured.  Juan Herrero: silence on Jesús Moreno's bull, applause and applause.  Alejandro Chicharro: an ear after two warnings, silence and an ear with Jesús Moreno's bull. 


Spain: The novillero Marco Perez will fight alone six novillos in Las Ventas bullring during the San Isidro 2025 fair

The novillero Marco Perez will fight alone six novillos in Las Ventas bullring during the San Isidro 2025 fair.  Novillada will take place ...