
Portugal: The 2024 Sanjoaninas has raised high expectations in the Azores

The 2024 Sanjoaninas has raised high expectations in the Azores. The bullring of Angra do Heroismo will once again host the prestigious Feria, where brothers Javier and Borja Jiménez will be announced in posters. As always, Tertulia Taurina Terceirense has organised a series of events alongside the bullfights to further promote bullfighting among young people. We interviewed its president, Lino Antonio Ventura Pires.

QUESTION- First of all, how has the creation of bullfighting in the Azores been going this season? How have the fights been put together?

ANSWER- The fans of the island of Terceira and the tourists who visit us deserve the best fights possible. We try to put together the fights as soon as possible so that the bullfighters have the time available and the breeders have enough time to get the bullfights ready according to the class of the bullfighting arena and the demands of the public.

The fights for this year's Feria are very complete as far as we are concerned. For "Rejoneo" we have the most important figures in Portuguese bullfighting. One of the big attractions of the Feria is the presence of the bullfighter Borja Jiménez, who is at the peak of his career.

As you have always done, the mainland and the islands are not lacking in cattle farms, which ones stand out?

A: This year, only Terceira Island breeders will be at the fair. It is very important for us that the island ranches are fighting.

It has been a very difficult winter due to adverse weather conditions, making it difficult for the breeders to complete the bullfights, but we believe they will do their best not to disappoint the fans' expectations. We believe that the three announced bull breeders have bulls with the necessary stamina for the Feria de San Juan bullfights.

Two names stand out, Javier and Borja Jiménez. You will be the first bullfighting arena where they will be announced together after Borja's big fist at the table. Isn't that a source of great pride?

A: The fans of Terçeira Island are looking forward with great anticipation to the presence of matadors Javier and Borja Jiménez, it will be a very beautiful fight and we are very proud to have these names on the posters of the Feria de San Juan. These two bullfighters have already participated in the tientas organised by tertúlia tauromáquica Terçeirense and have left a great atmosphere. We hope that the bulls will recharge to enjoy the good times that the bullfighters are having.

We are also proud of the promotion of bullfighting among children in the Azores, what is this year's promotion about?

A: Children are the future of Feria and it is very important for us to promote it. This year we have planned a practical bullfighting course, which will be free of charge and to which all schools on the island will be invited. There will also be a bull run for children in the streets of the town so that younger children can try it out.

How has Tertulia Tauromáquica been doing in recent months? How many members are there?

A: The work continues all year round, as there is always a lot to do. But yes, in these months before the Feria there is a lot of logistics to keep things running smoothly, flights, hotels, horse transport... We are a young team, but very enthusiastic about bullfighting and we want to develop bullfighting. Tertúlia has a board of nine members and we are looking for more people to help with the work to promote bullfighting in the Azores.

Feria bullfights:

22 June. Bull breeder; João Gasparin. Cavaleiros: João Moura for the bull, João Ribeiro for Telles and João Pamplona. Forcados: Ramo Grande and Merced.

24 June. Bull breeder: Rego Botelho. Cavaleiros: Tiago Pamplona and João Moura Jr. Forçados de Alcochete y Tertulia Tauromáquica Terceirense.

25 June. Bull breeder: José Albino Fernandes. Cavaleiro: Joao Ribeiro Telles and bullfighters: Javier Jiménez and Borja Jiménez. Forçados: Tertulia Tauromáquica Terceirense.

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