
Spain: Navalmoral de la Mata 17.3.2024. Bullfight

Navalmoral de la Mata 17.3.2024. Bullfight. The bullfight was sold out. Bull breeder: Alcurrucén. The fourth bull was rewarded with the lap of honour. Bullfighter: Sebastián Castella: who replaced Morante de la Puebla, applause and two ears and a tail. Emilio De Justo: two ears and a tail.Tomás Rufo: an ear with request for a second ear and an ear.

Spain: The Picassiana bullfight in Málaga has been published

 The Picassiana bullfight in Málaga has been published. The bullfight will take place on 19.4.2025. Bull breeder: Álvaro Nuñez. Bullfighters...