
Portugal: Mourão 4.2.2023. Bullfight

Mourão 4.2.2023. Bullfight. 

Luis Rouxinol: circuit of the bullring. 
Antonio Ribeiro Telles (junior): circuit of the bullring.
López Chavez: circuit of the bullring.
Manuel Díaz Gómez: circuit of the bullring.
Tomás Rufo: circuit of the bullring.


Manuel Caballero: circuit of the bullring.

The bullring was full of spectators.  Six novillos by Murteira Grave.

Spain: Madrid 28.9.2024. Bullfight

 Madrid 28.9.2024. Bullfight. The arena was almost full. 20.973 spectators. Bullranches: Garcigrande (1st, 2nd and 3rd) and Juan Pedro Domec...