
Portugal: Estremoz 2.9.2022. Bullfight

Estremoz 2.9.2022. Bullfight. Bullranch: Brito Paes, Nuncio. Cavaleiros: Moura Caetano: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring. Moura hijo: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring. Ribeiro Telles: circuit of the bullring and circuit of the bullring. Forcados: Alcochete, Arronches. Amador: Francisco Maldonado Cortes: circuit of the bullring.


France: Senate rejects by majority the anti-bullfighting proposal and strengthens the status of bullfighting in France

The French Senate has rejected this afternoon by a large majority the attack directed against bullfights by the RDPI group, just as the Law ...