
Spain: Valencia 16.3.2025. Afternoon bullfight

Valencia 16.3.2025. Afternoon bullfight. The bullfight was sold out. Bull breeders: Jandilla and El Parralejo (1st and 5th). Bullfighters: José María Manzanares: ear and applause. Roca Rey: silence after the warning and an ear with the request of the second ear. Tomás Rufo: ear with second ear request and one bull's ear after a warning.

Tomás Rufo


Spain: Valencia 16.3.2025. Morning rejones

 Valencia 16.3.2025. Morning rejones. Bull breeder: Fermín Bohórquez. The arena was about three quarters full. Rejoneador: Rui Fernándes: applause and lap of honour. Diego Ventura: applause after a warning and an ear. Lea Vicens: applause and lap of honour.

Rui Fernándes

Diego Ventura

Lea Vicens

Spain: Navalmoral de la Mata 16.3.2025. Bullfight

 Navalmoral de la Mata 16.3.2025. Bullfight. Full arena. Bull breeder: Alcurrucén. The fifth bull named "Zambombito" was pardoned. Bullfighters: Sebastián Castella: ear and two ears. Alejandro Talavante: two ears and two symbolic ears and tail. Daniel Luque: ear and ear.

Alejandro Talavante, Sebastián Castella, Daniel Luque


Spain: Valencia 15.3.2025. Bullfight

Valencia 15.3.2025. Bullfight. The bullfight was sold out. Victoriano del Río and Toros de Cortés (4th). Bullfighters: Alejandro Talavante: silence and silence. Andrés Roca Rey: two ears and applause.  Alejandro Chicharro: promoted to matador, an ear after a warning and a lap of the bullring after a warning. 

Roca Rey

Spain: Villaseca de la Sagra 15.3.2025 Charity bullfight

Villaseca de la Sagra 15.3.2025 Charity bullfight in support of the Oncohematology Foundation of the Niño Jesús Hospital in Madrid. Three quarters of the arena. Bull breeders: Alcurrucén (1st and 2nd), Ana Romero, Rehuelga, Pallarés and El Montecillo. Bullfighters: Fernando Robleño: standing ovation and standing ovation. Damian Castaño: one ear and one ear. Molina: applause and an ear.

Villaseca de la Sagra bullring today

Spain: Valdilecha 15.3.2025. Novillada

Valdilecha 15.3.2025. Novillada. The first novillada of the Chenel Cup.  Bull breeders: Cerro Longo (1st, 2nd and 3rd) and Flor de Jara (4th, 5th and 6th). Novilleros: Sergio Flores: lap of honour and silence. João Silva 'Juanito': lap of honour and one ear. Jorge Molina: ear and lap of honour.

Spain: Castellón 26.3. 2025. Novillada without picadors

Castellón 26.3.2025. Novillada without picadors. Bullranch: Hnas. Angoso Clavijo. The 2nd and 3rd awarded with a lap of the bullring. Novill...