
Spain: The Toro de Lidia Foundation asks the Government to dismiss the Minister of Culture

The Toro de Lidia Foundation asks the Government to dismiss the Minister of Culture

Friday, October 11, 2024

Victorino Martín sends a letter to Pedro Sánchez to ask for the dismissal of Ernest Urtasun: “His attitude is the culmination of his sectarian policy”.
The president of the Toro de Lidia Foundation, Victorino Martín, has sent an open letter to Pedro Sánchez, president of the Government, to ask for the dismissal of the current Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasun, after his attitude in the presentation of the National Culture Awards. An attitude that, as expressed in the letter, is the “culmination of his sectarian policy”.

Below, we reproduce the full letter from Victorino Martín to Pedro Sánchez:

Mr. President of the Government,

We are writing to you on behalf of the bullfighting sector to request the dismissal of the Minister of Culture, Mr. Ernest Urtasun.

It is inconceivable that a Minister of Culture expressly positions himself against a relevant part of the culture of Spain such as bullfighting, failing to comply with the obligations of his position that legally oblige him to protect, promote and disseminate bullfighting, more than enough reason to disqualify him as Minister of all the culture of our country.

But his attitude yesterday at the National Culture Awards ceremony was the culmination of his sectarian policy. Yesterday the Minister of Culture decided to show his anti-bullfighting dogmatism by not applauding the National Bullfighting Award 2023, Julián López “El Juli”, unlike what he did with the rest of the award winners, an unheard of gesture of discrimination, an attitude incompatible with the elementary education of any citizen and inadmissible in the institutional sphere.

For all these reasons, it seems evident that Mr. Urtasun is completely delegitimized by his own actions to represent the Spanish Government in matters of culture, and we therefore request his dismissal. 

Spain: Zaragoza 11.10.2024. Bullfight

Zaragoza 11.10.2024. Bullfight. Three quarters of the entrance. Bull breeder: El Pilar. Bullfighters: EL FANDI, replacing Borja Jiménez, division of opinions and silence. PACO UREÑA, applause and silence.DAVID GALVÁN, ear with second ear request and lap of honour. 



Spain: Zaragoza 10.10.2024. Bullfight

Zaragoza 10.10.2024. Bullfight. Almost three quarters of the entrance. Bullranches: Zacarías Moreno and Álvaro Núñez (2nd). Bullfighters: MIGUEL ANGEL PERERA, aplause after warning and silence. DANIEL LUQUE, two ears and two ears. TOMÁS RUFO, ear and two ears.


Spain: Valencia 9.10.2024. Bullfight

Valencia 9.10.2024. Bullfight. Garcigrande (1º, 2º and 3º) and Juan Pedro Domecq (4º, 5º, 6º and 7º). Bullfighter: Enrique Ponce, ear after warning and applause with salute. Alejandro Talavante, ear with a request of the second ear and silence. Nek Romero, who took the alternative, silence after two warnings and a lap of honor. The bullfight was sold out. 

Spain: Zaragoza 9.10.2024. Bull breeders competition

 Zaragoza 9.10.2024. Bull breeders competition. Concha y Sierra, Juan Luis Fraile, Salvador Gavira (3rd bis after returning Francisco Galache's bull), Peñajara de Casta Jijona, La Palmosilla and Salvador Gavira García. Bullfighters: Antonio Ferrera, lap of honour and silence after warning; Manuel Jesús "El Cid", silence and ear, Morenito de Aranda, silence and lap of honour. The bullring was about half full. 



Spain: Zaragoza 8.10.2024. Novillada

 Zaragoza 8.10.2024. Novillada. Bull breeder: Talavante (2nd, 4th and 6th) and Hnos. Azcona (1st, 3rd and 5th). Novillero: ALEJANDRO CHICHARRO, applause and ear. CRISTIANO TORRES, lap of honour and lap of honour. JAVIER ZULUETA, lap of honour and one bull's ear.


Spain: Zaragoza 7.10.2024. Novillada

 Zaragoza 7.10.2024. Novillada.  A quarter of the arena. Bull breeder: La Machamona. Novilleros: VALENTÍN HOYOS, applause after a warning and silence. MIGUEL ANDRADES, applause and ear. BRUNO ALOI, lap of honour after a warning and silence after two warnings.

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