Showing posts with label bullfight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bullfight. Show all posts


Spain: Palencia 2.9.2024. Bullfight

 Palencia 2.9.2024. Bullfight. Almost a full arena. Bull breeder: Núñez del Cuvillo. Bullfighters: JOSE MARIA MANZANARES, ear and ear. ROCA REY, applause and two ears. GINÉS MARÍN, applause and two ears.


Morante de la Puebla interrupts the season indefinitely but ‘not definitively’

Morante de la Puebla interrupts the season indefinitely but ‘not definitively’.
The maestro de la Puebla, who was to fight in the Beneficencia (Madrid) on Sunday, has recently been in a state of deep sadness, with the resurgence of his illness and an acute physical decline.


Spain: Madrid Las Ventas 6.6.2024. Bullfight

 Madrid Las Ventas 6.6.2024. Bullfight. The arena was almost full. Bullranch: Adolfo Martín. Bullfighters: ANTONIO FERRERA, silence and silence after warning. MANUEL ESCRIBANO, applause and round of honour.  JOSÉ GARRIDO, silence and applause. 

Tres faenas de entrega bajo el diluvio en Madrid |


Spain: Baeza 4.5.2024. Bullfight

Baeza 4.5.2024. Bullfight. Bullranch: Carlos Núñez. More than half of the entry. Bullfighters: Finito De Córdoba: whistles after three warnings and applause. Morante De La Puebla: applause and ovation. Juan Ortega: applause and ear.

Spain: Trujillo 4.5.2024. Bullfight

Trujillo 4.5.2024. Bullfight. Bullranch: Domingo Hernández. Bullfighters: Sebastián Castella: two ears and two ears. José María Manzanares: ear and two ears. José Rojo: who took the alternativa, ear and two ears.


Spain: Madrid Las Ventas 2.5.2024. Goyesca bullfight

Madrid Las Ventas 2.5.2024. Goyesca bullfight. 18.329 spectators. Bullranch: El Montecillo. Bullfighters: Fernando Robleño: applause and silence after a warning. Javier Cortés: silence after a warning and applause. Francisco José Espada: applause and applause.


Spain: Seville 13.4.2024. Bullfight

Seville 13.4.2024. Bullfight. The arena was sold out. Bullranch: Victorino Martín. Bullfighters: Manuel Escribano: injured and two ears on the sixth after returning from infirmary. Borja Jiménez: applauded on the bull that wounded Escribano, one bull's ear and applause. Roca Rey: applause and ovation.


France: Arles 30.3.2024. Bullfight

 Arles 30.3.2024. Bullfight. More than three quarters of the audience. Bullranch: Zalduendo. Bullfighters: Sebastián Castella: ear after two warnings and two ears. Daniel Luque: applause and two ears. Juan Ortega: silence and silence.


Spain: The Picassiana bullfight in Málaga has been published

The Picassiana bullfight in Málaga has been published. The bullfight will take place on 30.3.2024, at 17.30. The bullranch: El Vellosino. The bullfighters are Cayetano Rivera, Emilio de Justo, Pablo Aguado.


Spain: The bullfights of the Valdemorillo Feria have been published

The bullfights of the Valdemorillo Feria have been published.  

2.4: Practical lesson. Álvaro Serrano (ET de Navas del Rey), Borja Navarro (Valencia school), Javier Cuartero (Alicante school), Rafael de la Cueva ("Yiyo" school) and Samuel Castrejón ("Yiyo" school) (Zacarías Moreno).

9.2. Ismael Martín, Nek Romero and Samuel Navalón (Novillos: La Cercada).

10.2. Alejandro Talavante, Juan Ortega and Ginés Marín (Núñez del Cuvillo).

11.2. Miguel Ángel Perera, Paco Ureña and Guillermo García Pulido -alternative- (Alcurrucén).

Bullranch in brackets.


Spain: Madrid 2.5.2023. Traditional goyesca bullfight

Madrid 2.5.2023. Traditional goyesca bullfight. More than three quarters of the entrance. Bullranches: Valdefresno, Fraile Mazas, José Luis Pereda. Bullfighters: Uceda Leal: ovation, silence and silence. Fernando Robleño: silence after the warning, applause and applause.


Portugal: Beja 29.4.2023. Bullfight

Beja 29.4.2023. Bullfight. Three quarters of the audience. Bullranch: Sesmarias Velhas do Guadiana. Cavaleiros: Luis Rouxinol: circuit of the bullring. Tito Semedo: circuit of the bullring. Moura Caetano: circuit of the bullring. Andrés Romero: circuit of the bullring. Miguel Moura: circuit of the bullring. Salgueiro da Costa, circuit of the bullring.


Spain: Seville 21.4.2023. Bullfight

Seville 21.4.2023. Bullfight. Bullranch Núñez del Cuvillo. Bullfighters: Diego Urdiales: silence and silence. Jose Maria Manzanares: silence and silence after warning. Roca Rey: ear and two ears. Bullfight was sold out.


Spain: Seville 20.4.2023. Bullfight

Seville 20.4.2023. Bullfight. The bullring was about half full. El Parralejo. The fifth bull was rewarded with a lap of honour. Bullfighters: Miguel Ángel Perera: silence and silence. Daniel Luque: ovation and two bull's ears. Francisco de Manuel: ovation and silence.


Spain: Mérida 15.4.2023. Bullfight

Mérida 15.4.2023. Bullfight. About half an entrance. Bullranch: Los Espartales for rejones and José Luis Pereda. Rejoneador: Diego Ventura: ovation and two bulls ears. Bullfighters: Morante De La Puebla: division of opinions and two ears. David De Miranda: two bulls ears and ear.

Spain: Brihuega 15.4.2023. Bullfight

Brihuega 15.4.2023. Bullfight. Three quarters of entrance. Bullranch: Hnos. García Jiménez and Olga Jiménez (4º, 5º and 6º). Bullfighters: Sebastián Castella: silence after warning on both. Jose María Manzanares: ovation and two bulls ears. Roca Rey: two bulls ears and silence.

France: Béziers Feria 2023 bullfights have been published

Béziers Feria 2023 bullfights have been published.

12.8. Bullfight. Bullfighters: Castella, Roca Rey and Parejo (Who will take the alternativa). Bullranch: Jandilla.

13.8. Bullfight. Rejoneadora: Lea Vicens. Bullfighters: Daniel luque and Juan Leal. Bullranches: Bohórquez and Santiago Domecq.

14.8. Novillada. Novilleros: Adrien Salenc, El Rafi and Olsina. Bullranch: Marge.

15.8. Bullfight. Bullfighters: Manuel Escribano, Alberto Lamelas and Ruben Pinar. Bullranch: Miura.


France: Arles 10.4.2023. Bullfight

Arles 10.4.2023. Bullfight. Half of the arena. Bull breeder. Bullfighters: José Garrido: silence and one bull's ear. Clemente: applause and two bull's ears. Adriano: silence and two bull's ears.


France: Arles 9.4.2023. Bullfight

Arles 9.4.2023. Bullfight. Bullranches: Victoriano del Río, Toros de Cortés. Three quarters of the arena Bullfighters: Daniel Luque: one bull's ear and silence. Emilio de Justo: circuit of the bullring and one bull's ear. Juan Leal: one bull's ear and silence. 

Spain: Madrid 28.9.2024. Bullfight

 Madrid 28.9.2024. Bullfight. The arena was almost full. 20.973 spectators. Bullranches: Garcigrande (1st, 2nd and 3rd) and Juan Pedro Domec...